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Mulch in the Garden

889B245B-EFA8-43AA-B06A-9288FFEC90BBLet’s talk MULCH!

After posting my first #carlythegardenspotspringgardentips I had lots of questions on mulch!

Mulch will be your best friend when gardening!


It conserves soil moisture, improves fertility and the health of the soil, reduces weed growth and visually adds to the appearance of an area.

A mulch is usually, (but not always) organic in nature. It may be permanent (e.g. plastic sheeting, landscape fabric) or temporary (e.g. bark chips, grass clippings, newspaper, straw, rocks). Mulches of manure or compost will be incorporated naturally into the soil by the activity of worms and other organisms.


My favorite place to get mulch is from a local green dump (almost every city has one!) If you don’t have a local green dump, most nurseries carry mulch that can be purchased by the bag, or even the truckload.

My favorite mulch is the small bark chip type mulch; like the brand soil pep.

Spring is a great time to mulch your garden beds. Functional + beautiful.

Any questions on mulch? Ask below!



2 Comments on “Mulch in the Garden

  1. Thanks, Carly! How much mulch do you add to an area? An inch or so of new mulch? Do you remove anything before adding new mulch? Are there any soil areas (garden beds or under trees) that you don’t add mulch to?

    1. Hi! I pretty much mulch it all… you’ll want a good 2 or 3 inches of mulch to make it the most effective….

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